A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Pictures From The First Sherlock Holmes TV Show & Commentary From “Television Broadcasting”
“Possibly you have seen pictures and read descriptions …”
– The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual (MUSG)
In 1940, Lenox R. Lohr, the president of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) published his book, Television Broadcasting. a technical volume on the challenges and opportunities that the industry would face going forward.
Lohr makes several references to the NBC broadcast of The Adventures of the Three Garridebs and we are sharing those in this post.
The Appendix, which contains the script of the broadcast can be found HERE.
Thanks to the 42nd Garrideb, Denny Dobry for scanning the script and to the 19th Garrideb, Steve Mason, for creating the .pdf file