A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Kickstarter For Sherlockian Game to Feature Medal
“But what is his game?”
– The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (3GAR)
On July 7, a Kickstarter campaign will be launched by Baskerville Productions to promote their new tabletop game, The Original Sherlock Holmes and his Baker Street Irregulars.
Michael W. McClure, BSI, is the game’s creator and he has shared his thoughts with us:
We are putting the final touches on the first tabletop game to be deeply anchored in all 60 narratives of the original adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The artwork representing the characters, both Villains and Victims, have been painstakingly fleshed out for a spectacular “first-look” at the varied characters that populated Conan Doyle’s tales. The art is indeed stunning in detail, and the gameplay is easy enough for the younger fans, but also scalable to be challenging for the mature devotee. Our society is hoping that this game will serve as a gateway to each player’s further exploration of Conan Doyle’s original works. We have many surprises in store, which will be revealed during our Kickstarter campaign beginning July 7, 2020. One special addition to the game is a metal miniature replica of the Chester Baskerville Society’s “Sherlock Holmes Statue of America.” The included mini-monument serves as a trophy for the player that succeeds where all others fail. Each competitor, having chosen one of five Inspectors of Scotland Yard (or one of five Woman’s Patrol members), receives 13 Baker Street Irregulars (shilling sized chips representing the boys and girls that Sherlock often employed) to aid them in their investigations. The BSI act as the game “currency” as they secure witnesses, locations and artifacts that supply the evidence needed to arrest some of the Canon’s most heinous Villains. Holmes, Watson, and Wiggins are available to help with each round, but the Inspectors are attempting to prove their own mettle and earn the title of “Rival to Sherlock Holmes.”
There are so many details embedded within the game’s designs that even seasoned Holmes fans will be tasked to identify them all. A beautiful commemorative coin, a Kickstarter funding exclusive, showcases Holmes and his Irregulars, while also serving as a directional reminder during gameplay. We are extremely excited to share our passion with the world, and sincerely request your support of our campaign. Please join us in the launch of a resource that supports our common mission … to educate those unfamiliar with Sherlock Holmes, and to provide quality entertainment for his most devoted fans. We strive to “play the game for the game’s own sake!” Incredible visuals and more information are available at our pre-launch site: www.baskervilleproductions.com/shbsi which will carry a link to the Kickstarter campaign once it goes LIVE. For your convenience you may leave your email address there and we will notify you when the campaign starts. And please do not worry about our content … we have secured the permission of the Conan Doyle Estate, Ltd. for use of ALL 60 cases.
The best place to order a game is on the Kickstarter campaign (during the first 72 hours helps us the most) for the game will be discounted there (never to be sold at a cheaper price) and we will be subsidizing part of the shipping costs. July 7th is the date … please do not miss out on this unique opportunity, for THE Game is nearly Afoot!!!
McClure has kindly shared the designs he created. The obverse features Sherlock Holmes, as portrayed by Peter Cushing, while the game logo is ther reverse design. Notice how the chevrons around the borders of the 40mm medal change direction – they are counterclockwise on the obverse and clockwise on the reverse – allowing it to serve as a directional aid among the game players. Nice touch!
This medal is only available for those who purchase the game in the first 72 hours between July 7 – 10. That will determine the mintage and the composition of the medal.
Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on this opportunity to add this medal to your collection!
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