A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

The 2017 Smith Rock Ranch Sherlock Holmes Maze Token
“… a maze of fantastic tracery …”
– The Hound of the Baskervilles (HOUN)
Smith Rock Ranch is a working farm located in Terrebonne, Oregon. Beginning in 2003, they begun, what is now an annual tradition of creating a maze through a corn field. They refer this as their Corn Maize and it seems that the design gets more involved each year. In 2017, they created the Sherlok Holmes Corn Maize, pictured above.Several activities are scheduled each week and to participate, tokens are required. A new token is made annually with the new theme and sells for $3 each.
OBVERSE: SHERLOCK HOLMES (silhouette profile of Holmes, facing left with deerstalker cap and pipe) / 2017 / TERREBONNE, OREGON
Round, 24mm, Brass
Have any of you ever visited this Corn Maize?
Thanks to the 71st Garrideb, Jeff Katz, for alerting us to this token!
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