A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

A Russian Discount Card for Ms. Hudson’s Coffee House
“… Mrs. Hudson entered with the tea and coffee.”
– The Adventure of the Naval Treaty (NAVA)
This is a 5% discount card used on purchases at Ms. Hudson’s 221B Baker Street Coffee House in Moscow.
We’ve been able to translate some of the phrases printed on the card. кофейня translates as Coffee House while ДИСКОНТНАЯ КАРТА translates as DISCOUNT CARD. The back of the card reads Карта является собственностью ООО “петек” whih states that The card is the property of LLC “Petek” while Администрачия оставляет за собой ираво, о лрекращении действия карты becomes Administration reserves the right to retain the card on termination of the card. The front of the card also has the location of the Coffee House, we believe.
We are attempting to learn more about this business and would welcome any assistance.
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