A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

HolmeWork Assignment: The 1997 DISI Award Medals
“… a claim to be third.”
– The Red-Headed League (REDH)
We have a interesting mystery on our hands with this HolmeWork assignment.
Anybody have any idea what DISI is?
What does DISI do?
What was this issued for?
With this being a third place medal and in the color of bronze, would it be wrong to presume that gold and silver versions of this medal exist for first and second place winners?
We welcome any additional information regarding this item. We look forward to hearing from you!
Update (4/25/2020): Thanks to Brad Keefauver’s answer below, we now know this is for the Downstate Illinois Sherlockian Invittational, one of 4 medal designs issued by the Hansoms of John Clayton and you can read about all of those medals by clicking HERE.
Thanks to Mike McSwiggin, the 74th Garrideb, for bringing this item to our attention!
I’ve put in a request to Token and Medal Society here in Florida. I have no idea personally, but I am consulting with others of varied experience.
It’s from the Downstate Illinois Sherlockian Invitational, a tournament in various areas of Sherlockian endeavor for any scion societies that showed up, hosted by Peoria’s own Hansoms of John Clayton. This evening I’ll take a little time, look up records, etc., and write something up.
[…] we posted a HolmeWork Assignment asking about the 1997 DISI Award Medals, and Brad Keefauver, the 41st Garrideb, was quick to respond that DISI was the Downstate Illinois […]