A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Campaign Medals of Jude Law’s Dr. Watson
“I served at the fatal battle of Maiwand.”
– A Study in Scarleti (STUD)

We have done a few posts before on the various cinematic versions of Dr. Watson and the various military decorations they have worn. We now turn our attention to the portrayal by Jude Law in the two movies in the Robert Downey, Jr. series.
In the second film, Law’s version of Watson is seen wearing two medals – the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and the Roberts Star.
The Afghanistan Campaign Medal makes sense to include as it was awarded to all participants. You can read more about the medal HERE. The Roberts Star inclusion is problematic as Watson would not have been able to participate in the march from Kabul to Kandahar as we discussed in this post.
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