A Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars

Harry S. Truman $1 Coin To Be Available February 5th
On February 5, 2015, the United States Mint will release the Harry S. Truman Presidential Dollar for sale in bulk (25 coin rolls, 100 coin bags and 250 coin boxes). The coin, like all Presidential dollars issued since 2012, will not be released into general circulation. These coins will be struck at the Philadelphia and Denver mints. Proof specimens will be available from the San Francisco mint.

President Harry S. Truman was made an honorary member of the Baker Street Irregulars by Edgar W. Smith. In the photo above, President Truman reviews the BSI’s publication of The Blue Carbuncle with Smith and Elmer Davis.
Earlier, we had discussed the 5 suggested designs for the Truman Presidential Dollar. Design HT-01 was selected by the Secretary of the Treasury and was designed by sculptor-engraver Don Everhart of the United States Mint. His official mint bio reads:
Don Everhart became a member of the United States Mint team of sculptor-engravers in January 2004. Born in York, Pennsylvania, he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from Kutztown State University in 1972. The following year, Everhart joined the Franklin Mint as a designer and attained the position of staff sculptor, which he held for five years.
In March 1980, Everhart left the Franklin Mint to pursue a freelance career. During this period, his projects included work with figurines, plates, coins and medals. His clientele included prominent companies such as Walt Disney and Tiffany and international mints such as the Royal Norwegian and British Royal Mints. Everhart has received numerous commissions, most notably Georgetown University’s Sports Hall of Fame, a 24-piece bronze installation.
Everhart’s work has been exhibited internationally and is included in several permanent collections, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the American Numismatic Society and the National Sculpture Society. He also received the prestigious American Numismatic Association’s Sculptor of the Year Award in 1994. In 1997, his submission was chosen as the official inaugural medal for President Clinton’s second term.
Everhart is a former president of the American Medallic Sculpture Association (1993-1994) and is a fellow member of the National Sculpture Society.
On February 26, 2015, the U.S. Mint will issue a philatelic – numismatic cover, featuring the coin and a related stamp with a special cancellation. In March, the U.S. Mint will issue the Presidential Dollar proof set, featuring the Truman dollar as the dollars for Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. The uncirculated set of the four Presidential dollars will be available in July. Still to be announced are the release dates for the Presidential $1 Coin & First Spouse Medal Set and the 2015 Coin & Chronicles Set.
Presidential Dollars and the related issues can be purchased from the United States Mint at their website.
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